

It was the second day of Run Ranger Run and the PAX were motivated. 6 of us showed for an hour long run on this beautiful day. We started with a run through the park to the fly and then looped back around to the front of the park. Then …

Wait… WPM on a Monday???

During coffeeteria after Sweaty Bells, YHC asked Douille “Who has the Q tomorrow for the Skinny?” Good thing YHC asked because Douille responded “You got the Q tomorrow!” With Run Ranger Run in mind, YHC knew he wanted to incorporate the workout with more than 3 miles within 45 minutes. …

Attack of the Birds

5 PAX plus the QIC appeared on the banks of the mighty Mississippi for a Sweaty Bells extravaganza! After a quick warm up, and a visit from 300 or so seagulls, the PAX started on a run around the park to build up mileage for RRR. Warm up exercises consisted …

6.2 and more

The boys joined up this morning for a cool run. Temps were cold but it did not take long to warm up. Clocking the distance will help with the RRR. Shooter prayed the group out where we then moved to coffee, water and deep discussion. See you next week. +4

Westbank Park Run

It was a beautiful morning for some running. Something we westbankers rarely do. We moseyed over to the playground to warm up. WindmillsSun-godsHairy RockettesSSH*New* 8-count Ski Abs Body-Builders Then we moseyed over to the service road and attempted to do: 4 rounds1st Round:15 of each:Heels to HeavenAlternating Side SquatsFlutter KicksHand-release …

Time Trials at the Stomp

Since we do all this damn running anyway, we might as well see how we’re doing, right? There is some good research that suggests setting real goals and regularly tracking progress increases our chances for success. So let’s do it. Today: a 5k Of course, there is also the matter …

4 corners and a VQ

The morning after the crazy Ivan 5 PAX met in front of NOMA for YHC’s VQ. As it was about 20 degrees cooler than yesterday, YHC gave the disclaimer and started our warm up. Warm up  SSH x 20 Abe Vigoda x 15 Forward Arm Circles x 15 Dying Cockroach …

Kolaches & Kickbutts

Warming up the engines involved the below: Side Straddle Hops (x20) High Knees (x10) Kickbutts (x10) For clarification, each person kicks one’s own butt, not someone else’s. Trunk Rotations (x10) each direction Imperial Squat Walkers (x12) After the engines were brought to the minimum rpm for beatdowns and the enthusiasm …