
Monkey Humper Monday

Got to bed late and was feeling tired and uninspired this am – forced myself to the beatdown because I was the Q today. First person I saw was Revit and I mentioned that I wasn’t feeling it yet – and he reminded me that sometimes getting out of bed …

Shin Sprints

After a brief warm up, mosey down to Lakefront for 10 sprints along Lakeshore Dr. of about 75 yards. Then, legs fully weakened, crank out 2 longer sprints of about 1-2 blocks. Mosey back to Marsh for some pull ups, Bulgarian Split Squats (Steve’s favorite), Merkins, finishing up with some …

7 Of Diamonds

A traditional Tsunami Beatdown. 8 Pax gathered in the humid gloom. After a disclaimer we ran to the circle of power for a warmup: SS Hop x 20, Self Love x 10, Imperial Squat Walker x 20, Open the Gate x 10. We then ran to the Green Grass of …

Hurry up and Hang Around

The pre-thang ranged from 1-3 miles and EVERYBODY was running around somewhere! The eventuality of 3 groups of sub-PAX converging on the flag(s) within the cock’s crow of 6am gave way to the somewhat unorthodox beatdown that went something like this… THANG Gathered in the driest area near the flag, …