
Crazy 8s

Conditions Mostly cloudy, 65 F, Feels like 66 F, Humidity 93%, Wind 8 MPH from ESE. Warm-up Imperial Walkers x 31; Shoulder Taps x 31; Arm Circles: Forward x 16, Backerds x 15; Windmills x 10 The Thang Grab your favorite rock and circle up for the duration.  Crazy 8s …

nuR yllaW

-Rev Sox Thank you for the opportunity to lead and pushing us all to continue, especially on days when we are all tired and sore. 6:15am Count-Off, Name-O-Rama, Intentions, and Prayer 6:10am YHC leads the Pax in a series of stretches and finishes with a round of 23 flutterkicks, so …

Purple Haze 😈

With the emotional pain 😢of the Saints last-play, crushing defeat at the hands of the all-to-familiar Minnesota Vikings, coupled with the immediate aftermath of Frankie C’s Hundo 👏🏻👊🏻YHC figured spirits would be subdued and the PAX of F3 Northshore might just Opt for an extra hour of sleep 😴 in …

First Stomp of 2020

22 men came out in the darkened gloom to kick off 2020 with the 610 Stomp. No better way to start the year than a good run with your 22 best friends. The Thang YHC started with the basic disclaimer and gave the instructions for the morning run. Run out …