
Smoked Stack

Conditions Mostly cloudy, 67 F, Feels like 68F, Humidity 100%, Wind 6 mph from SSE Warm-up Imperial Walkers x 30; Peter Parkers x 20; Windmills x 10; Moroccan Nightclub x 40 Hold it…. Forward Arm Circles x 10 Hold it…..Backerds Arm Circles x 10 The Thang Bear Crawl to the …

We have a tire

On the eve of the gloom, the PAX reported that the tires were still safe and “secure” outside of the Chamber of Horrors.   YHC isn’t used to props that aren’t music or costume related, so I was eager to use the tires on this 20th gloom of 2020.   W/U Side-straddle …

Three Robins share the Q

With no one on the Q sheet for Grandmas house, 3 PAX posted on this chilly 35 degree morning. I guess these 3 Robins didn’t fly further enough south to escape the temptations of getting in some work on this gloom.. warmup (Shooter) 20IC SSH, 10IC Toe touches, 20IC Imperial …

A Measly Two Blocks

It wasn’t particularly gloomy this morning (instead it was crisp, bright and clear). But it was pretty darn cold, at least compared to the warm winter we’ve had thus far. Given the conditions, it might’ve been a wise idea to make the trip down to the lake and witness the …


Where are my keys, YHC kept muttering to himself.  Tick tock tick tock.  YHC roared in half a minute late to lots of mumblechatter.  Disclaimer easy to give. Definitely not a professional trainer.  So off go the PAX with a mosey around the track to the flag pole. Warmup: SSHs …

5 Years of F3?

I should be in better shape by now. I haven’t been as intense as many of you, and I’ve definitely taken some chunks of time off, but I keep coming back. I come back because of you. Thanks for pushing me harder than I ever would have gone on my …

Lazy Q

WARMORAMA 20x SSH 20x Imperial Walkers 1 Squat/1 Leg Swing…up to 5 OYO THANG Run to the end of the pier and back (cut the loo[p out of the normal route)…plan was to go easy and get some good recovery in with the Krazy Ivan coming up. COOL-O-RAMA 52 Crunchy …