
Then There Were Two

THE VIEW – ENJOY THE VIEW After not posting for over a week because of vacation, YHC was mentally ready to post, but knew he was not physically ready. Because YHC did a Lot of eating, A LOT of 12oz curls, and too much enjoying doing nothing. With a final …


Blame Akbar.  This was his doing, really.  His “block party,” (henceforth known as ‘Akbar’s Abomination’) – which was preceded by Tank’s Murph – pretty much guaranteed that Saturday’s beatdown would focus on legs and core.   But first, the pre-thang : the usual 2 miles out and back with the …

Loredo at The Foundry

Ten PAX posted in City Park to get their Wednesday off to a good start. On the heels of Memorial Day, YHC thought it would be fitting to incorporate a Hero WOD, especially for those of us that missed The Murph days before. Here’s what went down: Mosey to the …

FracDay at The View

The View (not YHC’s favorite name) is a great AO with lots of potential. YHC aimed to change things up a bit, and actually planned a beat down the night before. 4 eager men awaited the Q to begin, so with 5 of us ready, a disclaimer was given, and …

Shifting Scramble!!

With beatdowns returning to normal operation, Q decided to incorporate a different route picked up from the underground post of weeks past. Generally PAX would run the loop and back out down to the point, but this Gloom instruction was given to head up Monroe to West Beach then take …

Everybody H8s Okwata

The Q Sheet has been updated and there is plenty of room to Q Okwata. Join us at the “Wide Water”. Today we reminisced on some of the “Best Of’s” to ever grace the Lakefront Sunrise. W/U Mosey around the fountain > Butt Kicks > Karaoke > High Knees > …

What Day Is It?

Four men arrived to own the gloom at 5:30am for the Hump Day Edition of Rock City at Pontiff Park. YHC gave the standard disclaimer and led the small Pax of men for a short mosey to the rock to get things started. The Warm-Up SSH – 20 Imperial Walkers …