
This IS the warmup!

Ran to Wolfpack looking forward to Peaches stepping up and leading us in a beatdown. Alas, it was not to be. Same went for The Skinny and The Birdcage. Both carried promises of attendence but those were lies. Anyway once again we were Q-Less so I volunteered. Started the warm …

Ponder the Justifier

Rolling in hot, time to go for the Fatty. Warm Up: SSHs 20xIC Imperial Walkers 20xIC Low Slow Squats 20xIC (then without break 20-second hold) Self-Love 20 OYO Burpeeplazooza: Every minute on the minute (EMOM): 15 burpees, then 14, then 13, then 12, then 11, then 10. For a total …

Pre-4th Pontiff-icating

Four pax showed for the uptowner asking each other who was Q. At the 5:30 mark Vagabond claimed it and then group moseyed to rock pile and standard warmup with SSH, grass grabbers, windmills, peter parker, arm curls, mountain climbers, etc. Then on to the field of gloom where the …

Happy Independence Day!

On July 2, 1776 the Second Continental Congress passed the Lee Resolution declaring our independence from Great Britain and King George! Down with the British! Seeing the immense significance of this declaration of independence, John Adams wrote a letter of prophecy to his wife Abigail predicting future celebrations on the …

Who Farted? We all did

It was another hot and muggy one this gloom, but a good turnout with 10 guys ready to sweat it out – including a surprise appearance from Garfield. YHC liked Shooters idea to mix in intervals, and having learned that containing the PAX was not ideal  – went with the …

Merkins for Merica

At 0530 it was already hot and humid for The Whoopie at The View but that did not deter 6 Pax from the challenge of getting out of bed in the gloom. After a very brief disclaimer we moseyed toward the Wilson Canal Pump Station at a leisurely warm up …

By The Numbers

It was supposed to be a Cowbell beatdown. YHC brought gloves, as I imagined it’d likely be something tough… maybe a lazy Dora… maybe a merkin ladder as a warm-up. One of those beatdowns that’s a constant push, no 10 counts, pouring Shooter-eque sweat in the first 5 minutes. No …

Tsunami Drills and Hills

YHC threw a changeup to the regular Tsunami, for the 9 PAX that gathered in the gloom. Following on Roots’ 1 miler Skinny on Monday, we did some speedwork today. Mosey to Freret. Stretches under the cannon. Then sprint up mcallister to Drill Rd. Mosey to Willow.  Then sprint to …