
Gnarly Nutria Prep

6 men arrived at City Park for a little beat down on the morning of the Gnarly Nutria. The prep work for the Gnarly Nutria was not to run, save the legs, plain and simple. The usual disclaimer and off we go. We moseyed to the track for the Thang. …


The View has a namesake for each day, with Wednesday being, you guessed it, Whoopie. YHC considered a Whoopie themed beat down, but just couldn’t come to terms with it. With the next best thing in mind, YHC intended to bring a good whoopin’. 4 eager Pax joined YHC for …

Round Robin

4 PAX gathered on another hot, humid, gloomy morning with a notable person missing, the Q. Could be part my fault, I did tell Cowbell I’d remind him Sunday – but he reassured me he had it on the calendar. We pressed on nonetheless, with a round robin working the …

We’re All Stupid

Last night, Kenner Bruh declared his intention to fart sac at 8:40pm, so the call went out for a replacement Q for the View. At 9:06pm, YHC volunteered to take the Q, because he had a stupid idea that he wanted to try at the View. As it turns out, …

Wisner Mountain 2.0

After Kuch led a heck of a beatdown last week at the Wisner Mountain we discussed moving our AO a little closer to the overpass so we wouldn’t spend quite as much time running to and from the bottom of the overpass. We all agreed to set our AO over …