
Barefoot Led Bedlam

Warm-up SSH x ??; Plank Jacks x 25; The Frac (Burpee Shock and Awe made famous by Fracsac); Don Quixote x 10; Low Slow Squats x 10; Justifier contemplation x 15; The Thang Mosey to the Rock Pile For A Stack 5 Rock Burpees 5 Rock Burpees; 10 Squats 5 …

Buying the Bundle

Conditions:  Humid Warm-UP IW x 31; Bat Wings and Moroccan Robin (Forward Arm Circles x 20; Backards Arm Circles x 20, Seal Claps x 25, Overhead Claps x 25, Moroccan Night Clubs x 31) #Crowd Pleaser; Low Slow Squats x 15; Don Quixote x 10; Peter Parker x 15; Merkins …

The Mosquito Mob

Warm-o-rama Jog around the stadium The Thang (Arms – Abs – Legs) Merkins, Freddy Mercuries, Al Gores Rest (The Mosquito Mob then joined us. They were very attracted to the greatness that leaked from our pores. THEY WANTED SOME FOR THEMSELVES!) Irkins, Crunchy Frogs, Lunges, Rest Freak Nasties, Bear Crawl, …

Burpee Ball

Warm ups: ssh, toe touches, arm circles, cherry pickers, self love The thang: lt. Steve the length of the parking garage. Lazy Dora afterwards, 100 Mericans, 200 squats, 300 lbcs. Then I opened my trunk of beach balls. In groups of two, we began burpee ball. At first the rules …

Substitute Thursday!

With a call coming in @ 0500 from Jose 10k it could only mean one thing. Can you cover the Q? Well sure, however I must T-👏🏼 both him and Speedy for both still posting even though they knew the arrival would be 10-15 mins behind. So with nothing planned …


5 motivated Pax posted to grow in Fitness, Fellowship and in Faith. With the clock striking 0530, time for a disclaimer and then: Warmup – SSH IC x 31 Grass Grabbers IC x 10 Abe Vigodas IC x 10 AC IC x 20 PP IC x 20 followed by ST …