
Let’s just keep Running!

Nothing much to write about today.. We journeyed some extra distance this Gloom chattering along the way with Burgundy who unfortunately for us will be heading out West to California with his work.. We all will miss his post and dedication to the CSAUP events held annually on the Southshore …

Lakeview vs. Pontiff II

Three months ago the men of Lakeview, unannounced and uninvited, strolled into Pontiff on the day of the Wally Run and threw down the challenge to the men of Pontiff for an Ultimate Frisbee battle. Pontiff never stood a chance as Lakeview mopped the floor with a commanding win. Thus …

4 x 4 x 4 = DownPainment

Six men posted in the Gloom at The Gipper this morning. After a warmup of Imperial Walkers, Torso Twists, Mountain Climbers, Side Straddle Hops, Shoulder Taps, and Hillbillies, all IC 10x, we headed over to the Justice Center and got to work with 4 sets of 4 rounds of 4 …

Sunday the 13th @ Renaissance

4 PAX got themselves out of bed on an unexectantly beautiful Sunday morning to start their week off right with a beatdown in front of NOMA. YHC was impressed, though not surprised to see Catfish after he posted some ridiculous 10k time the day before. Disclaimer was given and we …

South Pole Bound

20201214Q: Hogs Breath This was the [Louisiana] VQ of Hogs Breath. The wind was whipping and the 51* sure felt like we were heading to the South Pole! Trying to pull history into the Q, Hogs Breath found out that on 14 Dec 1911 Ronald Amundsen and four men reached …