
Out of the Shadows

Imagine Cowbell’s face when he arrived (on time, give the man credit) to the AO to find Waterpik and YHC, fresh out of Covid quarantine, as the only two pax present. Had Hog’s Breath posted (he broke his quarantine spell the day before at the Marsh), Cowbell might’ve just gotten …

The W.A.S……….

With the return of Steve and Hogsbreath from quarantine the Marsh had a nice showing of 6 PAX. Our Editor and chief of emails sir Wacker, so eloquently mentioned the Fartsack in the weekly blast that he took it to heart and sacked yet again. Was it the cold 🥶? …

Today Grover became a man but Bushwacker was busy counting sheep!!

Q learned a valuable lesson today, some become men while others stay snuggled in their fluffy sheets and count sheep. Missing one of my carpoolers for legitimate reasons is acceptable, however missing another because of a pre warning to bring gloves is another. Enough beating up on the Sir Wacker …

Holiday Sweet 16 Countdown

Warmup:  SSH, Windmill, Hillbilly, Imperial Walker, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Alternating toe taps, Arm Circles Moseyed across bridge and back to base of concrete apron across levee THANG: On December 16th, we counted down from 16 reps apiece in each circuit (16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2) Burpees …

2 pax are 10x Better than 1

Planted the flags and started workout alone.…. but was energized to see Mahatma mosey across the levee a little after the start.  Was admittedly dreading a solo workout the day after Christmas in the cold and wind. Warmup:  SSH, Windmill, Hillbilly, Grass grabber, Mountain Climber, Peter Parker, Arm circles 5 …

Holiday Black Jack Mile

‘twas December 21st so we did 21 exercises, 21 reps apiece, around the 1-mile jogging track carrying rock Warmup quick – quick SSH, grass grabber, windmill, arm circles Moseyed with rock to 7 stations: Station 1 Alternating merkins R/L Side squat with rock dip Flutter with rock Station 2 Rock …