
New Year / New Tunes

Gentlemen, At Swolefest this morning, 6 PAX had the pleasure of enjoying a beatdown accompanied with a playlist of some eclectic Mardi Grad Marching Band esque type music. Jesus Juice played some songs at Wisner Mountain last Friday that got High Rise & myself feeling a little nostalgic. Then High …

Sweaty Bells 1-17-2021

Welcome the Frozen Tundra! PAX: Bolt, Jingle Vader, Blowout, Moana, Willie WarmupSSH – 20Arm Circles – 10 Reverse Arm Circles – 10 Imperial Walkers – 10 Grass Grabbers – 10 Right foot, left foot- 10 seconds each Mountain Climbers – 10 Mosey to field (waiter carry, switch sides).Kettlebell Shrugs – …

Eye on the Ball

After a brief warmup of Seal Jacks, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches, and SSHs, with some Burpees sprinkled in for good measure, it was game time this morning on the Mandeville Lakefront. Forming up into three teams of four and armed with tennis balls, the PAX made their way to …

The Stomp 12/29/2020

Issued the Disclaimer Warmup: Side Straddle Hops – 20 in cadence Mountain Climbers – 20 in cadence Windmills – 10 in cadence Mosey’d to the track & partnered up. Each group of 2 PAX ran 2 laps at whatever pace they chose. Only requirement was that they had to stay …

The Foundry 12/23/2020

Issued the Disclaimer Mosey’d to NOMA Warmup: Side straddle hops – 20 in cadence Mountain climbers – 20 in cadence Windmills – 10 in candence Hillbilly’s  – 20 in cadence The Thang: Bunny hop up the NOMA Steps, run down the steps, 7 burpees Bunny hop up the NOMA Steps, …

If It Ain’t Broke…

YHC arrived on scene to the double flags under the street lamp like a sign reading “Get ready to work!” Better yet, under the flags stood the recently returned Waterpik! We spent a few minutes catching up, very intentionally waiting with eager anticipation for the eventual arrival of Cowbell;) ….And …

(H)Eighteen Candles

File this one as one of those better-late-than-never backblasts… Well, young Grover finally hit 18. Yes, it’s still a long road to respect (just ask poor Grundy), but a pretty big milestone nonetheless. We celebrated the day by getting up ridiculously early to put in a little work in some …