BEST OKWATA BACKBLAST EVER!!! (Okwata 2021-12-02) – from Catfish
No one showed up for Okwata, so I went to Yoga, which happened to be at the lake. I call it YO-kwata, saw what I did there? Your Friend, Catfish +4
No one showed up for Okwata, so I went to Yoga, which happened to be at the lake. I call it YO-kwata, saw what I did there? Your Friend, Catfish +4
YHC arrived early to the beautifully lit Huey P Long Ave in Gretna. I had promised an arrival of Christmas spirit, so with a funny Christmas sweater and elf hat, YHC along with 8 other HIMs disappeared into the gloom. We mosey a few blocks for a traditional-ish warmup: Abe …
a cool 41 degrees at The Gipper and after a short disclaimer… Warmup: all 20xIC: Toe Touch, Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Shoulder Shruggs, Imperial Walkers, Thumb Drives, Swimmers, Neck Roles, Mummy Kicks, Scissor Hops, maybe some more… and a new one from BBQ called the “Cornhole Picker Dance,” …
15 PAX met in the early Monday morning gloom to get swole…and get swole we did. After a disclaimer and a pronouncement of the F3 tenets, we began. Warmup: 1. SSH 25x IC 2. Grass grabbers 10x IC 3. Abe Vagodas 10x IC 4. Overhead claps 20x IC 5. Seal …
For the first time in history, a total of five men fought their way out of the fart sack to post at the Stage on a Tuesday morning. It’s amazing what a difference one more guy makes on the morale of a group of sweaty dudes pushing their limits on …
4 at the Marsh today for some ladders. An unusually quiet Bushwacker shuffled up to center court looking half asleep and frozen. Conditions were clear, cold, and delightful. Warm Up: SSH IC 20, Grass Grabbers, Self-Love, Imperial Walkers, Butt Kicks, Arm Circles F/B IC x10. 5 & 10 Merkins, 5 …
As the blustery street side of the levee had my beak tingling, YHC decided to stay in the park rather than the likely frigid lake side of the levee, to the delight of the PAX. That delight would be short lived as there was a devious beat down in store. …
Conditions – Wet and Chilly (~53 F) The Thang Started facing the bacon with: Abe Vigodas x 15 (in cadence) Grass Grabbers x 15 (in cadence) 8-Count Bodybuilders x 20 (in cadence) Lined up at the base of the stairs for “bunny hop” 11s with hand-release merkins at the bottom …
Five PAX joined yours truly to do a pre-calorie burn before everyone else was awake on Thanksgiving morning. In honor of Turkey Day, wild animal exercises were the theme of the day. After a brief intro and disclaimer, we moseyed around the fountain and down to the waterfront. Warm up: …
YHC took the Q at the Mothership with the intent to work off the last 48 hours of eating. With a brief disclaimer given, 11 pax headed to the great lawn to warm up. Rudy, Catfish, Fresh Prince, Channel Mullet, Mahatma, Hokie, BayWatch, Hawgcycle, SOGO, Kennah Brah and YHC circled …