end of time – from Jingle Vader
warm up, up the mountain with blimps, benches, touchdown jesus, etc +3
warm up, up the mountain with blimps, benches, touchdown jesus, etc +3
Pax: Einstein Waterpick Hawgs Breath BBQ Jose 10K Ackbar Mobydick A perfect December morning…if we were in Miami 72 degrees and a light breeze for a New Year’s Eve. Since YHC, Mobydick, is not a big fan of running Waterpik had to make do with a focus on Core and …
F3 NOLA (Okwata) – 12.30.21 Circle Up -Disclaimer: F3 is #1 FREE, #2 open to all men, #3 peer-led in a rotating fashion, #4 held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold, and #5 we always end in a circle of trust. I am not a professional. You are here …
After 364 days, today is the day when the lies and deception end. Hawgcycle Craig Anthony Parten I has fooled F3NOLA for the last time. He has tricked everyone into believing that was running a 10K every day to raise money for the Special Olympics. He sits on a throne …
Last Afternoon Delight of 2021, let’s end it with 21’s for 21! PAX: – Gator Roll – Coast Rat – Blowout – Douillie – 2nd Line (from down range) – Whopper – Almonaster Warmup: SSH – 20 IC Arm Circles -10 IC Reverse Arm Circles – 10 IC Imperial Walkers …
As most of the Lakeview crew knows, Baywatch loves his bear crawls. So, I was searching through the Exicon Tuesday night for something memorable (and miserable) and I found the No Mercy Mile. 2021 was merciless on many folks so I thought it appropriate to be the same for my …
After a prior week’s SwoleFest, Kuch EH’d me for the Stomp Q stating that the Q can do whatever he wants, including sprint work on the track. I was sold. I naturally knew I should seek input from Sprint guru Pai Gai and that I did during the second half …
SSH Side lunge Scorpion Kicks Mnt Man Poopers Hand Release Merkins Grab a rock – on our way to the field 2×2 rinse and repeat pull ups Opening CrawDaddys Start in plank at the goal line – 2 merkins 2 double under 2 ST crawl bear to the 5 4 …
8 plus YHC in a warm gloom this morning, completely opposite from the first time I experienced this beatdown in Nashville 2 years ago – 17 degrees and snowing. The results were the same, we all got better today. Warm up: ICx 10-15 SSH, Self-Love, Imperial Walkers, High Knees, Grass …
YHC started taking Italian classes over the last year, with the hopes and expectations of being able to speak the language on a yet-to-be-scheduled trip to Italy. The year started strongly, leading to a promise made to El Guapo that YHC would lead a Q in Italian by the end …