
KB & the Frac – from Fracsac

Kenna Brah was excited to see YHC, so excited that he immediately started doing burpees upon seeing me. “Could this day get any better?”, asked my inner awesome voice. YHC quickly remembered to give a disclaimer, then figured my older brotha from another motha might need a little warmup. So …

Paul Bunyan ain’t my name but chopping wood is the game. – from Fletch

Warmup: SSH’s, windmills, merkins, seal jacks, grass grabbers, shoulder taps and imperial walkers. Grabbing some coupons we moseyed to the parking lot on side the woodwrights shop. We continued with 10 IC curls for the girls and shoulder presses. Thang:15 Wood chops on a tractor tire with a sledgehammer. Upon …