
Lindsey who? – from Akbar

YHC was early this gloom, committing to the 1 miler pre-thang but arriving to no one — just for a little while. An FNG joined me (EH’d by Hogsbreath) and we chatted until one by one they arrived from the dark. PAX: Akbar, Hogsbreath, Leroy (FNG), Moby Dick, Blue Note, …

Sexual Healing to the milestones of Hogs Breath life! – from Hogs Breath

So the Superbowl must of set some pax back….. probably nursing there hangovers, and even though YHC valiantly tried to pre-blast and exclaim that this was the kickoff to his birthday (the following day) celebration, only two pax showed in the gloom. Warm Up: Being that it was Valentine’s Day …

How 007 AO was born, and no it was not assassination!!!!! – from Pass Interference

To fully give credit Q was both Pass Interference and Hogs Breath This BackBlast is like my wifes period (after 3 kids and a vasectomy) it’s better late than never! Trying to “accurately” record the short history of this newly minted AO. A Balmy high 40ish, several pax made the …

I got you buddy – from Bogey

Brief warmup… Grass grabbers-10/AB-10/Squat Twist-10/SSH-20/AC for&back-10ea/PePa, PaPe, MC-10ea. To the gym… 20-Merk/Calf raises/Monkey H. then a lap 15-…. 10-…. 5-… To the Pavilion Rt leg step up-15/Dips-15/Lt leg step up-15/Dips-10/Rt leg-10/Dips-10/Lt leg-10 Peoples Chair – 30sec/30 sec w/ air curls To the rock pile… All with rock 15-Curls/Rows/Ov. Press/Triceps 10-… …