
FLAG day – from Paradox

A mixture of humidity and patriotism hung heavy in the air as 4 pax accumulated on the big hill at Lumen Christi this am. Enron came early to battle his Welsh dragon PTSD and seemed ready to face the moccasin within. He was greeted by a back-to-back Goose/YHC combo coming …

Charmin celebrates 3YO Daughter/Everyone Celebrates Hawg and SOGO’s Baby??? – from Bolt

Warmorama Rapper’s Delight edition with MNC/dancing by request plus bonus chinooks/reverse chinooks. The Thang: move between benches along running path toward David Dr. workout equipment via Q’s instructions (shuffle both directions, mosey, backward mosey, high knees, skip) stopping for 10 burpees, adjusting to 5 upon Charmin astutely realizing we’d never …