
Dejavu – from Mahatma

YHC did NOT want to get out of the sack. Yet it was on a verbal commitment to Bolt of taking the Q. Pulling up at 5:27 there was no sign of activity stirring in or around the bill pin – no last minute headlights. At 5:33 YHC made the …

The Turkey Bowl – from Paradox

11/26/22 7:29 am EDW Stadium A youth sized Wilson football leaves the rocket launcher surgically enhanced shoulder of legendary quarterback Yankee Joe Montana. The game clock strikes 0:00 and the scoreboard is locked in a dead heat 0-0, the leather-bound vessel elevates in a tight spiral and cuts through the …

The Pelican Emerges from Anti-Hibernation aand The Wack is Back! – from Bushwacker

After declaring 33 degrees too cold for his bones, our most recent south shore transplant (& from what I hear from The Duke potentially my future in-law) Quarter Pipe bowed out from Q at the Splash Pad. Fortunately the stars were aligned: my schedule allowed, Akbar stayed local, and Steve …