Ruck or Run – from Waterpik
With weather in the low 60s and rain on the horizon, seven packs sit out for a 5K this morning. 3 Ruckers shooter Russo, Jose 10k 4 runners : YHC Zoolander bird speedy Gonzalez +4
With weather in the low 60s and rain on the horizon, seven packs sit out for a 5K this morning. 3 Ruckers shooter Russo, Jose 10k 4 runners : YHC Zoolander bird speedy Gonzalez +4
The Stage was set with an unexpectedly larger amount of rain than forecasted coming down in the darkness, making it feel necessary to give the PAX that can’t make it to Tuesday’s beatdowns a little taste of what it’s like. Additionally, after missing this week Tuesday Tough beatdown, YHC was …
A cool 40 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper Warmup: Toe Touch, SSHops, Shoulder Rolls, Neck Rolls, Seal Jacks, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters mosey over to the front of the Justice Center Event: partner up for Dora 1-2-3 partner one starts on 100 burpees, partner …
YHC knew it would likely be just me and Lil Cuz at The Stage this morning, and I was looking forward to the opportunity for some QT. Team Fitbit/Team Balding Beard would be getting the upper hand on the rest of the PAX via some Tuesday Toughness! Warmups of the …
It was another frigid morning, this time at The Stage, so Enron wore socks and only Paradox’s eyes were showing through a jungle of F3 logos. YHC was also donning new, post-Christmas Mudgear gear as five total PAX gathered in the icy gloom. YHC arrived two minutes late due to …
The weather continued to bring freezing conditions to Nola. Conditions were a breezy 28 degrees but dry. YHC was pleasantly surprised with the turnout for the December 25th beat down at the Renaissance. We even had one DownRange Pax – Charmin from Houston. With the flag planted, a brief disclaimer …
To the Men of F3 Thibodaux, There are no words to accurately describe my level of gratitude for each of you. Whether we’ve been together for one beatdown or 50, you have taught me something, and each something has been invaluable. F3 has a term, “IM3,” which is a Man’s …
21 degrees to start this morning, which to my recollection was probably a record low for us. What was NOT a low? Christmas spirit. On Hammer (with his full body Christmas pajamas), on Akbar (decked in his finest Santa jacket and hat), on Jose10k (lighting up the gloom with Santa …
After the warmups, the PAX moseyed to the courthouse. The tragedy at Nakatomi plaza occurred on Christmas Eve, and we gathered today to honor the hero of Nakatomi: John McClain. The event occurred on the the 30th floor, so that’s where we started. 30 merkins, 30 squats, 30 big boy …
In 2 days we have the Eve before Christmas. Today is the Eve before the Big Freeze. It was tough getting out of bed, knowing what transpired the night before and what the Arctic Blast will bring the day following. Not wanting to let fellow PAX down I made the …