Hump Day Shenanigans – from Vagabond
Warmup Football field Bear crawl 10 yards, then 3 more stations 10 yards apart 20 reps, descending 16 12 8 4 Bobby Hurley Smurf Jacks Burpees x5 Thrusters Back pedal return Plank and wait for 6 Soccer COT +1
Warmup Football field Bear crawl 10 yards, then 3 more stations 10 yards apart 20 reps, descending 16 12 8 4 Bobby Hurley Smurf Jacks Burpees x5 Thrusters Back pedal return Plank and wait for 6 Soccer COT +1
A warm damp morning awaited the Tsunami as we ventured down the path! The Tsunami Express broke away from Tsunami Metamucil. The Express ventured down levy, back up oak at the 8:30 – 9:30 pace for 4.5-5 miles. Team Metamucil split at the levy going around the fly and doubling …
A warm damp morning awaited the Venti as we ventured down the path! We greeted the older couple on their morning walk, the wife and witness protection husband were MIA. Along the levy path we were passed by 1 semi polite cyclist, and greeted the Ochsner engineer on his way …
Warm up: 15, IC. Self love, imperial walkers, Merkins, arm circles(forward and backwards), hillbillies, shoulder tap merkins, hi jack hi Jill, toe touches, plank jacks and 20 side straddle hops ic. Thang: 6,8,10,12 emom. Burpees, kettle bell swings, squats (with coupon), Merkins. After 2 sets a mosey around the caboose. …
YHC reached out yesterday to ask who was coming and what was an exercise they would like to get better performing. War Eagle asked for squats Charmin asked for Merkins The three of us gathered this AM for a warm up of opening and closing the gate to get ready …
YHC needed an idea. A really, really good idea. This PAX has set the bar high with their beatdowns. This thang needs to be interesting without being too confusing. And not too easy, but not impossible (although experience tells YHC to err on the side of impossible). Having not led …
The usual Pax joined together at the top of the A1C. The weather has gotten better, Bushwacker still hasn’t posted on a Friday, and the average age continues to be the current AO record on the Northshore. We gathered to put in some sweat to start our weekend off the …
Today was all about seeing. Seeing 16 PAX show up, seeing Rudy not read the “No Parking”, and YHC and others seeing how hard we could push ourselves in the gloom. Typical, KnOTers, Stretchers, and Runners were there. Ended with COT emphasizing that we are all figured a spiritual battle …
Let’s just get this on record; This was the most confusing IPC workout…. YHC arrived. Had a white board with a “simplified” writing of the IPC. Set cones up every 10 yards, with a quick paper of what each cones exercise was supposed to be. And it still led to …
Warmorama of the usual; Vagabond erroneously thought Kenna Brah had the Q and I’m sure regretted showing up for another of my musically schizophrenic playlists. The Thang: Descending Ladder with a rock (10 reps/exercise down to 9, 8, etc. reps/exercise): Squat (coupon), OH press, Curls, chest press, tricep press. Begin …