Sua Sponte – from Charmin
Pax were encouraged to pick their own path, with a reminder that we need to have a count off and disclaimer before and after the workout. +1
Pax were encouraged to pick their own path, with a reminder that we need to have a count off and disclaimer before and after the workout. +1
After completing the 1st Grow Run and GRE-41 over the weekend, YHC was eager to get back out to the gloom. Thankfully, Hokie reached out to Bolt to HC since YHC needed stretching. Started with mirroring the KnOTters by walking backwards away from them. While they did their own thing, …
There was once a time, before all of this handheld, on-demand streaming gluten-free wifi entertainment, a time when men were men, and Boyz II Men, and ABC, BBD (East Coast Family). In these grueling times, if one were to lie sleepless at night, the only solace was whatever happened to …
50 degrees to start and throughout, which YHC greatly appreciates. We’re right in the Goldilocks spot with temps, where it’s not hot and humid, but not freezing where layers or bundles would be needed (for most). Jose used the power of plastic spiders to get a hall pass to join …
10/16/23 Jurp til you Vurp. A cool Monday morning had these select few men ready to conquer any obstacle. Most off of the HC’s showed their unwavering dedication to F3 and with the right-on-time showing of Goose, Pope, and SV, YHC and Enron were primed for the show. Warma-Rama SSH …
Beautiful morning, clear, perfect 51 degrees, starlit sky, and 4 HIM. Still feeling the burn from Legal’s beatdown Saturday, we would press on to work the full body this gloom. Warm up SSHx20, Imperial Walkers, grass grabbers, windmills, arm circles, self-love, high knees, butt kicks, toe touches Playground – 3 …
Deja vu? I started the morning like last week: alone. I felt like Russo, all alone. This worked out for me . I needed the time to clear my head, find some inner peace, found a pace I haven’t had in about 3 years. Maybe the 10k doesn’t have any …
It has been quite a while since YHC has been able to make it to a Saturday beatdown and even longer since having the opportunity to Q one. Therefore, YHC rolled up a little early to the Peltch to an empty parking lot scattered with shot-gunned Twisted Tea cans from …
A wet post cold front morning awaited the Venti as we ventured down the path! Devoid of the usual cast of characters, Moana managed to make the lone angry cycler irascible. In response to “ON YOUR LEFT”, Moana instinctively moved to his left blocking our nemesis incurring his disgust and …
YHC is a huge horror movie fan. Although each persons definition of what defines horror is different, for me, it probably includes excessive heat, running, burpees, and pull-ups. It definitely includes the smell of month-old Jose sweat in a jar splashing Zoolander. Fortunately none of those things were present this …