Ruck or Run – from Waterpik
With weather in the low 60s and rain on the horizon, seven packs sit out for a 5K this morning. 3 Ruckers shooter Russo, Jose 10k 4 runners : YHC Zoolander bird speedy Gonzalez +4
With weather in the low 60s and rain on the horizon, seven packs sit out for a 5K this morning. 3 Ruckers shooter Russo, Jose 10k 4 runners : YHC Zoolander bird speedy Gonzalez +4
A cool 40 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper Warmup: Toe Touch, SSHops, Shoulder Rolls, Neck Rolls, Seal Jacks, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters mosey over to the front of the Justice Center Event: partner up for Dora 1-2-3 partner one starts on 100 burpees, partner …
21 degrees to start this morning, which to my recollection was probably a record low for us. What was NOT a low? Christmas spirit. On Hammer (with his full body Christmas pajamas), on Akbar (decked in his finest Santa jacket and hat), on Jose10k (lighting up the gloom with Santa …
After the warmups, the PAX moseyed to the courthouse. The tragedy at Nakatomi plaza occurred on Christmas Eve, and we gathered today to honor the hero of Nakatomi: John McClain. The event occurred on the the 30th floor, so that’s where we started. 30 merkins, 30 squats, 30 big boy …
With an EH for Ruckers put out there by Akbar YHC quickly checked the Q sheet to make sure someone had picked up the lead.. On my end it was blank but then in a later Slack message YHC had saw where Akbar stated he was covering it.. So as …
YHC has never been a big fan of running. But the season and the setup was too tempting. Downtown Covington provided the setting by randomly placing lighted 12 days of Christmas all over. The thang was run from one to twelve and add an exercise and that many reps at …
Having been tipped off earlier in the day it was the beginning of Akbar’s 53rd trip around the sun, YHC spent a couple minutes coming up with a way to say Happy Birthday in an incorporated unique way (using math of course). So as we jumped into our warmup of …
With the week of Christmas upon us, a holiday themed beatdown was in order. After a brief warmup, YHC led the pax through the 12 days of an F3 Christmas with these exercises: Day 1: Imperial Squat Walkers Day 2: Hello Dollys Day 3: Groiners Day 4: Flutter Kicks Day …
Gloomy morning and a great day for Ultimate Frisbee, F3 style. 14 PAX gathered with 3 doing the pre-thang 2 miler. Great to see Egg Toss back for another beatdown and Grover in town for a couple of weeks. It’s cold, rainy, dark – what could go wrong? Conditions: 42, …
Apparently the month of December in Slidell must revolve around reindeers!!! (Also note, I’m only 5 days late with this this backblast!) So YHC left the house nice and early to only realize that I left my car window’s completely down! After running back inside to grab a few towels, …