What the Ruck? – from Jose10k
Simple plan: Go Ruck yourself. Great conversations to be had this morning. Too many parade stories to write about: wild parade riders and best parade were hot topics! +2
Simple plan: Go Ruck yourself. Great conversations to be had this morning. Too many parade stories to write about: wild parade riders and best parade were hot topics! +2
A humid 67 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper Warmup: Toe Touch, SSHops, Neck Rolls, Seal Jacks, Parker Peters, Smurf Jacks, Shoulder Taps Hi Jack Hi Jills, Arm Circles, Shoulder Slingbacks, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, High Kneees, Butt Kicks mosey over to the front of the …
Mid 60s and mild this morning after just picture perfect weather over the weekend for revelry in all forms. School’s out, which means a Jose sighting, and he didn’t disappoint: ready to go with beads (that were conspicuously absent after a while) and light up rings. PI joined us from …
14 strong at the Lakefront today in bitter conditions. Einstein down range from F3 Houston – who brought an FNG, and 2 other FNG’s related to the first FNG. A family affair. Slots joined us mid-way appearing from nowhere. Did I say it was cold? We got warmed up fast. …
Heading to bed, YHC noticed no Q for the Splash Pad. Sure that at least Russo, the Guardian of the Mandeville Trail Head would be there (plus a bonus in Pelican), Bushwacker was on the Q sheet. Around 40 degrees after what ( in February?!) may well be our last …
YHC arrived earlier than usual and checked the calendar and saw no one had claimed the Q. I signed up just as the rest if the PAX arrived. After a a stretchy warmup and a bit of techno fumbling to get the phone sound to work we launched into a …
Yup, you read correctly. I almost had to ride solo because Moby is such a great man. With an expresso crisis on hand, he couldn’t leave Vicki with the mess that he created. An expresso explosion caused him to be tardy to the party. I warmed up with some ssh, …
With muggy temperatures in effect on this Thursday gloom at the Scramble. 3 Ruckers and 3 Runners took to the streets of Mandeville to log some mileage for the RCR.. The balance of such numbers seems consistent in weeks past and the same held true this week.. There was great …
Picking up the Q on Sunday decided to make use of every corner down and back from the lakefront. Warmup was a mixture of 10/15 IC Windmills, Toe Touches, SSH, self love, Cherry pickers, arm circles and grass grabbers. Thang was Mosey down to lake front stopping at each corner …
Twas 14 nights AFTER Christmas, and though a baby delayed, the Nightmare debt from ’22 was repaid. This workout tests one’s fortitude, for none participating can hope to elude; the pain derived from such a foolish endeavor, the fullness of which takes days to discover. Every inch of your back …