
Write a Backblast – from Einstein

A humid 72 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper. Warmup: Toe Touch, SSHops, Good Mornings, Neck Rolls, Arm Circles, Shoulder Slingbacks, Imperial Walkers, Ankle Rolls, Hillbillies, High Kneees, Butt Kicks, Scissors, Thumb Drives, Swimmers, Hi-Jack-Hi-Jills, Smurf Jacks, Ice Skater Hops etc. mosey to the coupon …

E=M(Burpees)² – from Steve

Looooooong beatdown today. Sometimes these things fly by, other times it takes an eternity to get to Mary. This beatdown felt like it fell into the latter category, with the only reasonable explanation being that all of this morning’s burpees created some sort of gravitational field that resulted in time …