
A snot woggle

5 pax arose up bright and early out of the fartsacks on a muggy Saturday morning. 3 minutes in to the warm-up there was some mumble chatter about the workout being too easy. This led yhc to do his best to smoke the pax with an epic beat down aka …

Like a Virgin (Q)

The usual PAX  posted for a Tuesday morning workout.  We have noticed some chicks also showing up around 5:15am at the trailhead, most certainly in a (weak) attempt to execute their “version” of an F3 workout.  Nice try ladies.  Although you will not be allowed to post with us, you …

F3 Meets QVC

My wife makes me watch Dr. Phil and Big Brother.  I’m ok with that.  Fortunately she does not make me watch QVC.  The relevance of this little tidbit will be revealed in the text following this preamble. It was good to see a young FNG out on the lakefront Saturday …

Reagan never got his Mary

Three men gathered in the presence of Ronald Reagan’s statue, and it began.  TurboTax volunteered YHC to Q, and YCH accepted.  Since the Gip prefers to watch Mary as opposed to warmup, we moseyed to the Justice Center to commence warmup: THE THANG SSH x 20, Jump Squats  x 20, …

Wednesday Workout of Dreams. If we build it, they will come.

Looking at things from an optimistic, corporate angle, F3 Covington experienced a 100% week over week growth rate.  Last Wednesday, EiEi posted alone.  This Wednesday, YHC joined him.  And the PAX would have experienced an even greater growth rate had Sir Mix-a-Lot remembered that we post at 0600 not 0630. Yes, we saw him …

One Man Band

I showed up solo at the Covington Trailhead at 0600.  The morning gloom was burning off; the rising sun and the bronzen Gipper were my company.  After staring at the Gipper until 0605, I worked out by myself. THE THANG 30 SSH IC 30 IW IC 30 Peter Parker IC …

Hello my name is Chris

9 pax 44% happened to have the hospital name of “Chris” showed up at the lakefront on Saturday and were treated to the northshore’s first running of the green mile. Brought to you by none other than the green mile himself… Run/sprint to 1st 3 fire hydrant and perform 20 …