
Trailhead AO Going Strong

Four Northshore F3 veterans met in the increasingly crisp morning air at the Mandeville Trailhead. Warmup Mosey loop on Tammany Trace with three stops Stop 1 – IW x 20 IC,  SSH x 20 IC Stop 2 – Plank Jacks x 20 IC Stop 3 – Slow Squats x 10 …

Pretzel AMRAP

Only Blackbird could return from a week of backpack elk hunting in the Utah mountains refreshed and ready to humble the Covington PAX.  EiEi is used to it by now but welcome Steve to the geriatric Covington PAX where sextuagenarians abound, and bound, and jump and crush and inspire the …

“There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir: We must rise and follow her, When from every hill of flame She calls, and calls each vagabond by name.” – William Bliss

It took half a week to find an October quote to lead-off with… Anyways…’twas a nice morning for posting; somewhat cooler, and less humid than normal. And two posted, to work on their stalwartiness…. warmup 20xIC jumping jacks 20xIC windmills 20xIC imperial walkers 20xIC donkey kicks 20xIC arm swings 10x …

Grind, Power Up, Hold

Solid effort from 3 PAX this morning.  Would have made The Gipper proud. The Thang: Warmup at the Covington Trailhead:  SSH, IW, torso twists, windmills, hillbillies, squat thrusts, arm circles, leg swings, lateral lunges…all 20x IC more or less with a short recess to EH a passerby runner. Mosey to …

Stairway to Seven

5 pax met in the Gloom with equipped with headlamp, to brave the tunnel of darkness. The Thang: Mosey trailhead through tunnel of darkness to underpass: Warm-up: IW, Good mornings, cobra kicks x 21 IC Jacob’s ladder up to 7 squat thrusts Mt climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter IC x …

Out and Back on LSD

A group of 7 (6 fog and 1 fng) gathered around The Flag on the Mandeville lake front to enjoy a coolish fall morning of endorphin production. Thanks Chewy for fng recruitment. Respect to fng not for his age but for service to this country as an active duty member …

Almost Fall

PAX: Blackbird, EiEi, Einstein(Q), TurboTax “…It’s late September and I really should be back at school….” Rod Stewart But no – it’s F3 post day. And post we did, at the Covington trailhead, as a four PAX.  Nacho Libre was absent – again. He must be on the Pro Wrestling …

Area 51

“The only easy day was yesterday.”  U.S. Navy SEALs Beautiful morning on the Mandeville Lakefront.  3 loyal PAX joined YHC for a cosmic beatdown on his 51st birthday.  After a round of 51 second four position plank holds, the PAX headed East towards the rising sun for an extended mosey …

Farmer Fartsack

So maybe EiEi fartsacked.  Or maybe he was attending the G-20 Summit and forgot to inform the PAX.  At any rate, given his lust for beatdowns and heretofore stellar reliability, the PAX was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and chalk his Q absence up to something …