

Returning to the Gipper after a week hiatus in the Caribbean your YHC decided to make the PAX indulge him in working double time through this beat down. Buffets and umbrella drinks had consumed the previous week and were no longer in sight, as that ship had set sail and …

Quit Hitting Snooze!!!

Quit Hitting Snooze!!! In honor of our favorite new reptilian PAX member, YHC built a workout that was all about what happens when you hit snooze. Namely, the ALARM keeps going off! Here is the abbreviated account of what went down on Tuesday at the Mandeville Trailhead. Warmup: SSH 20 …

Bayou Andme

Well YHC was covering Q today for Shooter. Set my alarm and ran out the door a little early eager to lead the pack in the Northshore run day routine. And YHC led the PAX to the lakefront’s sunset point and raced on the pier. YHC won the race of …

Dog Days at The Gipper

With the little ones heading back to school tomorrow, it seems summer is coming to a close.  In reality, of course, it’s been a mild August thus far, so we’re probably in for a pavement-melting October.  Regardless, YHC was happy to have the (ever-so-slight) dip in humidity this morning, though it …

Marsh Madness!

Monday are tough but the pax are tougher!!! There was nothing different about today’s beatdown except the fact that we are getting faster and stronger! Get that crust out you eyeballs and let’s get this thing started!!! warmarama: SSH x20 ic TT x10 ic IW x10 ic along with some …

Free Throw Frenzy

Great job to everyone who cranked out the Saturday morning beatdown at the Mother Ship. Squats, lunges, bear crawls, and derkins are alway a great way to get your weekend started.  TClaps to Brat and Crab Legs for finsihing the Mosey with a Purpose challenge in the designated time. We …


Little did the PAX know, but they were going to more than just a workout in this morning’s gloom. No; they were also going to a premiere. A premiere that may have been more appropriate to be wearing a tux then some gym shorts. Today was the premiere… of the …

Swim workout

At captain Sparkles house 715 Joans st. Mandeville la. 70448. Aug. 6 1pm Hamburgers and hot dogs & refreshments will be there. Feel free to bring your M’s & 2.0’s bring bathing suits and towels. need head count please let me know how many can make it. 0