
Solo I Roll-O

I came I saw (no other PAX) I rolled On my own, I did the half route of 3.2 miles. Without the obscenely slow Shooter or Steve weighing me down, I was able to keep a respectable 8.17/minute mile pace. Crescent City Classic immortality, here I come! Ben Todd 37 …

Another day at the Office

Another beautiful morning at The Gipper and another beat down in the books. Warmup of lateral lunges, airplanes, seal jacks, squats and forward lunges.  All 20x IC. Mosey to the Justice Center for some 11s.  Merkin/Shoulder Taps combo at the bottom of the stairs, In and Out Squat Jumps at …

I got a fever……

T-Claps to the south shore and north shore pax who completed the Tough Mudder. The mumble chatter is that no obstacles were skipped and major injuries were avoided.  The mothership at the Lakefront was 5 strong including Rev Socks and Hog Sickle from the south shore. Honorable mention the Hog …

The Almighty EH

With a 12 mile, obstacle-filled mud fest of a CSAUP awaiting the men of F3 saturday morning, this particular man knew a 4:45am 10k would not be high on his priorities. However, a simple “maybe-ish” text to one half of “The Northshore Core”, Shooter, was enough to stoke the irrepressible …

Mid-Month AMRAP Recap

At a cool 38° and with the Ides of March approaching, it wasn’t a Shakespearean betrayal that had YHC worried – it was what miserable AMRAP challenge would Turbo come up with next?  So 14 days in, I figured we’d sprinkle a few of the past challenge exercises (italicized below) …

Pilates for Men?

4 Pax met up in the brisky gloom this morning for a round of  hip mobilization and core activation activities. Joe Pilates, back in 1919, promised that by following his methods you would develop a flexible youthful spine, a strong center, and system wide integrated strength. Ol’ Joe was a …

Marsh Madness!!!

With the beginning of the week and March madness tipping off on Thursday. The QIC arrived at the Marsh to the sights of 2 Cinderella hopefuls waiting at center court. Would either be selected by the NCAA committee for this weekends tournament? Or would they need to except another invitation …