
UNO!!! – from Bushwacker

The dry hot days have given way to rainy humid misery. But turn that frown upside down, boys. It’s time for Fun n Games! A late night/early morning Wack signal sent the PAX converging at the Marsh. WARMORAMA IC x10: SSH, Windmills, Torso Twists, Scorpion Kicks, Fire Hydrants L/R, Self …

The Sauna Sweat Showdown: When the Humidity Hits 110% and the PAX fights back – from Jose10k

80 degrees and 1000% humidity at 5 am? Seriously, WTF! Hammer was crazy enough to join me this morning in the Sweatapalooza. Having two consecutive late days (not getting home til after 7:30), I went back to the good ol ladder workout. 12 reps for each exercise followed by a …