

YHC’s first F3 experience was at the “Milestone Marsh”, so he was glad to “ring the second bell” and Q a workout at this venerable AO. CONDITIONS 70-something°; 80-something% humidity; 6:54 AM sunrise DISCLAIMER Q was an untrained, amateur offering free advice that was probably overpriced.  Assembled PAX were offered …

Cardiac Kid

Back during my UPS days, before FedEx, was called the Cardiac Kid. Let’s just say I was excitable. Must be Italian! This morning, utilized that name from 1977. Why? Because of the extreme “Cardio” workout YOU had to endure. But hey guys, remember, Bushwacker had us Bear Crawling a quarter mile! …

Routine Scramble

Arrived to the Scramble with fall like conditions in the air. PAX quickly swole to 5 for the start of our Thursday routine. After thoughts of changing up the routine through the night, YHC decided on the regular routine the PAX has come to anticipate at the Scramble. After all …

Let’s get the summer out of here

  Seven Pax posted at the Covington trailhead & Gipper statue location early Wednesday.  Little hot and humid. …here is how it went short disclaimer … warm-up all 20xIC; side straddle hops, toe touches, smurf jacks, good-mornings, butt-kicks, windmills, imperial walkers, arm circles, hillbillies, mummy kicks mosey to the back …

Who me?

Well this is a first… I show up this morning, greeting my fellow gloom-patrolers, only to discover, as we circled up and looked around at each other, that it was indeed I who was Q! Struggling to fully awaken, we warm-o-ramaed: 15xs each IC Toe Touches Imperial Walkers Air Presses …

Zoolander’s VQ Was So Phenomenal That No Title Can Do It Justice

YHC did not sleep a wink the night before due to the excitement of his VQ at the Mandeville Lakefront.  Weather and Pax support could not have been better.  Warmorama consisted of the following: Side Straddle Hops (IC) Don Quixotes (IC) Seal Jacks (IC) Monkey Humpers (IC) Twist & Pivot …

Remembering 9/11

Well I felt I had no choice but to sign up for the Q Tuesday 9-11-18 since I’m a firefighter and want to always remember the sacrifices by brothers in New York gave for people they didn’t even know. It’s a shame that sometimes we are willing to give more …