
Christmas Vacation

Thanks to the holiday season giving many PAX a respite from work the Milestone Marsh was hopping in the pre-dawn gloom of Christmas Eve day. A big welcome to all the PAX for coming out early on a Monday morning. CONDITIONS 46°; 51% humidity; 6:54 AM sunrise DISCLAIMER The experienced …


With no World Cup Soccer themes or any other ideas for a “LOVE FEST Beatdown” dancing in my mind, YHC figured it would be a good time to work off some of those holiday calories that invariably crop up at this time of year.  So, with a big crowd (T-Claps guys) on the day …

Run and Remember

-“A thousand tragedies a day, but the one’s that hit home are the most real.” I heard about Lexington, SC FiA’s Diane “Digits” Wells’ unfortunate and untimely death Tuesday morning while she was doing something we City Hall Scramblers take for granted…running. She left behind a husband and 3 small …

Creeping and Crawling

CONDITIONS43°; > 90% humidity; 6:51 AM sunrise (well after the PAX hit the road) DISCLAIMER The experienced PAX knew YHC’s amateur status and mentally filed away all necessary disclaimers. THE WARM UP Split jacks X 15Toe touches X 10Ray Finkles X10Steve Earles Copper head squat finished with hill billy X …

FNG: Out of Work Hair Dresser

As YHC pulled up to the Wednesday rendevieu point for “we south of I-12” a familiar looking vehicle simultaneously pulled in a few spots away.Taking the gamble that I wasn’t about to make a fool of myself, I jumped out pointing and waiving my hands. Sure enough, Steve had returned …