
Abita Trace on a Sunday

For our Sunday stroll, the team decided to take a course not typically on our radar. The Tank decided to take the boyz on the Abita trace. Search and Destroy looking for a pack of dogs needing some clippings of the nut kind. Luckily for them, they stayed in hiding …

Peer Pressure from the Pre-Tarded

A potential trio scramble featuring YHC, Hammer, and The Pelican in da Hood was dashed by the simultaneous assemblage of avengers Steve, Shooter, Akbar, and Pik. WARM O RAMA x10 IC: High Knees, Butt Kicks, Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches, Mountain Climbers, Scorpion Kicks. It wouldn’t be a proper scramble warm …

To The Wall

You’d think with Cowbell returning from the Virgin Islands and YHC returning from a beach trip in Panama City this weekend, that we wouldn’t need all the hats/gloves/tights today. And yet most of us – precluding Shooter, of course – did arrive to this morning’s 34º gloom with the above-mentioned …

Good to be Back, Men!

For various reasons, YHC has been away from the gloomy streets of Old Mandeville, unable to post at the Scramble and the Marsh (YHC’s 2 favorite AOs) on a regular basis for the last 3 months. But today was different! YHC was excited to be back out ratting the streets …

10 Turkeys at The Gipper

Eight veteran Northshore PAX, a visitor from F3 Louisville, and an FNG from Monroe, NC descended on The Gipper in the Gloom this morning for a pre-Thanksgiving beatdown. After a quick warmup consisting of SSHs, mountain climbers, seal jacks, merkins, imperial walkers, plank jacks, and butt kicks, all 10x IC, …