
Light June Jaunt

We’re gonna keep this short and sweet, as YHC is behind the eight ball on these backblasts.  The usual crew posted this morning (minus Shooter, who may still be hauling trees Commando-style out at his camp, and minus Bushwacker, who is attempting to heal a wide assortment of ailments).  Cowbell …

11 Blockheads

11 blockheads posted at The Gipper this morning for an Ackbar inspired beat down. After a warmup of Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches, OH Hand Claps, Windmills, Merkins and Squats, all 10x and IC, the PAX recovery walked over to the Brickyard to secure coupons and brace themselves for The Thang. …


Blame Akbar.  This was his doing, really.  His “block party,” (henceforth known as ‘Akbar’s Abomination’) – which was preceded by Tank’s Murph – pretty much guaranteed that Saturday’s beatdown would focus on legs and core.   But first, the pre-thang : the usual 2 miles out and back with the …

Shifting Scramble!!

With beatdowns returning to normal operation, Q decided to incorporate a different route picked up from the underground post of weeks past. Generally PAX would run the loop and back out down to the point, but this Gloom instruction was given to head up Monroe to West Beach then take …

Memorial Day Murph 2020

Eight men met at the park to give our annual Murph challenge a go. We gave our respects to our fallen soldiers then headed out for the first mile run. From there we moved to the workout bars and commenced the 100-200-300 exercise journey. We wisely chose a 5-10-15 plan …

Soggy Morning Beat Down

F3 Northshore officially is back in business. Sixteen PAX posted to the reopened Mandeville Lakefront Saturday morning for a beat down, and a soggy morning beat down it was. After a Warmup consisting of: Imperial Walkers 20x, Merkins 10x, Windmills 20x, Plank Jacks 20x, Copperhead Squats 20x, Mountain Climbers 20x, …