
Hammer Time

I arrived at 4:30 to the A1C ready to work. Knocked out the ISI, then started running laps. I was pleasantly surprised when Hammer showed up at 5 to run with me. He ran at my much slower pace, and the conversations were great. BBQ was the next to arrive, …

The WWII Fitness Test

This September is the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII. We set out to accomplish the original GI test in honor of our forefathers who fought for our freedom. This is the original test from Fort Bragg in 1946. What stood out most to me is the insane attention …

Cool Runnings

With a majority of the PAX still reeling from Week 3 of the IPC, YHC knew the turnout would be relatively light for today’s Scramble. With a light breeze making for some “relatively cool temperatures”, the minor break from the heat and humidity gave the PAX a September reprieve. The …

IPC Week 3/Gipper

11 Pax arrived on a cloudy and not so windy morning for week 3 of the IronPax Challenge. We met at the courthouse to get started in the interest of time. YHC chose to forgo the pain until Saturday, and proctered the event. Warm up: Instructions and focus on form …

Pacing partners!

With this week ending the impressive 57 consecutive days of Jose10k posting, YHC had concerns he would be running alone on this Gloom. Especially after the arrival of all the sub 7s started showing up. Great news is Chewy decided to show up but quickly stated as we began to …

Grumble Grumble No Mas!

Feels like 76 degrees? Yes please! Like a water-less version of adult Marco Polo, YHC called out upon arrival, “Grumble…. ?Grumble…?” Alas, with the 1st day of St. Tammany school upon us, Jose’s streak had come to an end, and he was a fish out of water. But still the …