
It really did happen.

You guys will do whatever it takes to keep a guy on the straight and narrow.  Looking back at my one and only backblast (VQ on 11/14), it was late just like this one.  A little headlocking and friendly ribbing may just be the encouragement some of us need. I …

Pumpkin Spice Latte

All these holiday drinks…peppermint mocha, hot buttered rum, eggnog…anyway, inspired by recent coupon beatdowns, YHC had the idea to add a little SPICE to today’s beatdown by adding something new. After all, its the holidays and YHC likes the holiday drinks. So, desperately rummaging through the garage hoping to find …

Akbar turns 50

YHC was excited about sharing a beatdown to celebrate my 50th year on planet Earth, arriving 20 minutes early to plant the shovel flag at the Unit. Sneakily tiptoeing around the pre-thang crew so that they wouldn’t notice, I got back and arrived on a chilly morning just as the …

Let’s just keep Running!

Nothing much to write about today.. We journeyed some extra distance this Gloom chattering along the way with Burgundy who unfortunately for us will be heading out West to California with his work.. We all will miss his post and dedication to the CSAUP events held annually on the Southshore …

4 x 4 x 4 = DownPainment

Six men posted in the Gloom at The Gipper this morning. After a warmup of Imperial Walkers, Torso Twists, Mountain Climbers, Side Straddle Hops, Shoulder Taps, and Hillbillies, all IC 10x, we headed over to the Justice Center and got to work with 4 sets of 4 rounds of 4 …