
The Cards were Aces

A PAX of 24, including visiting Duracell from BR and Trojan from Houston (awkward thumbs up!), helped celebrate YHC’s two year anniversary with some extended card play. Warmups (All in Cadence) Seal jacks Air presses Toe touches Imperial Walkers High Knees Windmills Cherry Pickers The Main Event Pax moseyed over …


Nothing special at the A1C this morning. Just myself for a 2 mile pre-thang, then BBQ showed up and we went straight to work. I decided to do 21 today. Started with mericans and squats, then run the length of the parking lot. When we got to round 7, we …

The Leftovers

Those of us unable to celebrate the Nola anniversary on the south shore (the Leftovers) met up on a brisk morning to celebrate in our own way. Warmup Side straddle hops, air presses, toe touches, imperial walkers, high knees, windmills, cherry pickers Main Event Russo Q’s have to include either …