New Orleans
New Orleans

Oops, I Hit it Again…History of Baseball, Vol. 1.4 – from Yankee Joe

Disclaimer: The following is a modified replay of a beatdown and blast from October 22. Thangs have been changed to protect the innocent. Butttt…since nobody is innocent, Duke can go ‘head and roll that bean footage like he’s Randall Floyd en route to buy Aerosmith tickets. In reality, YHC’s 2.3 …

4×20 on 420 – from Rudy

Delightful gloom at the lakefront! 8 PAX celebrated 420 day. Thanks to all of the millenials who were able to explain to YHC *why* 420 is now associated with weed. Rest assured, no weed was present at the workout. Mosey to the foot of Canal Street for a quick warm …