New Orleans
New Orleans

Mix tape – from Wet Tap

F3 7/24/23 Q YHC pulled up to the stage to see a Goose wearing appropriate fitting clothing mildly stretching in the shadows of the American flag. A real American hero! Along comes Smooth, timely and consistent- like a rock. 05:15 strikes and we form a triangle for warmarama. But wait- …

El Diablo – from Pool Boy

Temperature 84 degrees. After giving brief disclaimer, Mosey to bleachers near back of the playround. Warmups – SSH Imperial Walkers Grass Grabbers Mountain Climbers Arm Circles Round 1 5 shoulder taps, 10 plank jacks, 20 merkins, 30 squats, run up and down bleachers, run around parking lot and back. 3x …