The Day After the Day of No Labor – from Fracsac
10 pax showed up to either do S&M with Bolt, Knees over Toes with Hokie, or Sprint under the instructions of Pai Gow. +1
10 pax showed up to either do S&M with Bolt, Knees over Toes with Hokie, or Sprint under the instructions of Pai Gow. +1
It was indescribable. It was more than perfect. YHC didn’t know what to expect on this Labor Day morning after a destructive IPC Saturday, and at 5:14 sitting with Pope in an empty parking lot, we thought maybe we’d be going back to bed to keep nursing our wounded muscles …
From flag to rocks – mosey’d Pick a light rock, or a heavy one Mayhem. Front Raise then full circle Clockwise/AntiClockwise 10x Simulating a baseball or golf swing l/r 10x Orbit the rock around your head CW/CCW 10X Sumo Squats 10x Slowsey to Parking lot Pick Med Rock Ladder Reps …
Warm up Stretch arms Abe vigoda Calf scoop Grass grabber Imperial walker Arm circles Timer- run to can 2 jump squats Sit ups Bench press Kettle bell Dips Step up Merkins Planks +1
You are gazing upon the happenings of Thibodaux, La on the morning of Sept 2 and there are many sights to behold. In the deep gloom near Peltier park several athletes push their bodies to the max in an annual event meant to find the limits of cardiovascular and psychological …
YHC – showed up with 5 minutes, planted the flag AT the Rock Pile as we did pre plandemic. Dropped off his TJ Max bag with Pickleball gear then headed down to the cage arriving just as the seconds ticked off to 5:30. Quick disclaimer as the Knots crew headed …
Just a general feel of excitement from PAX for it felt…… Cool??, maybe it was just strong Lakefront wind or a bit drop in humidity? It won’t be here for long though, but nice. I consider this the last day of summer even though not formally per season divisions, “the …
12 pax awakened to 79° and a gentle breeze and came to the Wally to run, run faster, run not as fast, walk, ruck & KnOT 0
8/29/23 St. John the Baptist/ Bearcrawl Tag/Oliver Anthony Attendance Goose Pope Enron Dumbledore Yankee Joe Honeysuckle Americas Best Safety Valve Tana Paradox Smooth Operator This morning YHC had some serious trouble getting out of bed. The only thing that kept me from sleeping till 0900 was my commitment to the …
Warmup, track lap, 11’s with rock in field, circle up exercises with rock, Indian rum, Bobby hURLey’s , cot 0