New Orleans
New Orleans

Frosty Front – from Pinewood

Joint Q between Chips, Catfish, Fracsac, and YHC to satisfy today MABA goal Conditions: 45 F / E 12 mph Warmup: Slow Abegodas x10 Motivators x7 Forward and Reverse Arm Circles in Tiefighter lunge position x20 Seal Claps x10 Grass Grabbers x10 Mosey across the street to the lakefront Thang …

Cycles – from Tinkles

The gloom was in full effect and the park was so wet that ducks were hanging around like it was the marsh. To keep the pax dry and out of duck poop we stuck to the running loop. Warm ups: SSH, FAC, RAC, Grassgrabbers, Windmills The Thang: Indian run with …

Route 66 kinda – from Hokie

17 Pax posted including Maverick & Minnow up range from Tampa and an FNG, Goblin Warmorama included 56th birthday greetings for Bogey, grassgrabbers, Abe Vigodas & arm circles First 48% of the workout was a twist on Route 66… skipped 1 and started with 2 so we had route 65 …