Venti 23348 – from Douille
Two intrepid runners went out from the Flag to Starbucks, and back to the flag. 0
Two intrepid runners went out from the Flag to Starbucks, and back to the flag. 0
Two intrepid runners went out from the Flag to Starbucks, and back to the flag. 0
Looking at the open holes in the Q sheet YHC figured the only way to fill them is to step up one at a time. On the drive to El Diablo wheels were turning as to ideas of keeping the beatdown moving one “thing” after another. Always an effort to …
The Samson Attendance Goose Pope Yankee Jeaux Paradox Goldilox Wet Tap Americas Best Honey Suckle Safety Valve FNG (Tana) Lil Cuz Cardinal Piccadilly Smooth Operator YHC started planning this beatdown pretty much the same way I normally do. I read through the list of Saint’s feast day, I look at …
It was another cool morning at the stage with 6 of the PAX showing up this early Monday morning. YHC tried to throw the bait out there with a Forrest Gump reference. Who doesn’t love a good Forrest Gump theme? But alas, they are all privy to my ways now… …
Christmas is fast approaching and YHC hadn’t yet treated the pax to his annual tradition: very bad singing wrapped around a beat down and today would be the day—12 days of Fitmas it is. A Kotter (Satchmo), sporting the sophomore 20, joined the regulars to fulfill a commitment to himself …
After enjoying Dax’s beatdown in the gloom at the Renaissance Sunday morning, I decided to take the Q at Rock City and do a modified rock version. Disclaimer 2 KnOTters went backward in one direction, Tenderloin forward in another, while 7 PAX moseyed to the 30yd line of the football …
12 Toys of Christmas! PAX: – Dax – Jingle Vader – Subprime – King Kong – Willie – Reluctant Yankee – Brown Bag – Tiny Tot – Douille – Gabby – Couch – Almonaster Mosey to the Tulane Breezeway. Warmup: SSH – 20 IC Arm Circles -10 IC Reverse Arm …
Today we brought back an experimental workout trying to balance some skill with luck with a mardi gras football and baseball diamond. We started the beat down with a warmup: Mosey around the block 15x Jumping Jacks 7x Windmills 7x Cherry Pickers 7x Merkins 7x Mountain Climbers 7x Squats 7x …
“This is important.” Parting words from a random barefoot downranger (Squanto) on a random Thursday weeks ago. Those who agree also know what we owe to our Site Q, the O.G. When YHC heard Goose was moving, I began some soul searching (but mostly Internet searching) to figure out some …