New Orleans
New Orleans

Leap Survival Kit

Alright brothers, the time is now to band together and take on these Leaps! This post is to ensure the PAX taking trips over to lead or attend workouts have everything needed to be successful. Taking a free, outdoor workout organization that invigorates men, creates friendships, transformational stories, and whole bunch …

I love Rock City

Pre Thang YHC was barely on time, so I have no idea what happened before the workout began, besides a wee bit of whining about the 100 burpees last Wed and Roots telling the Pax he PRed the 10k Saturday – #tclaps. Just four guys in the Pax in the …

So You Can Eat More Bunnies

Pre-Thang YHC’s Maiden Q was much thought out through the week with guidance from Roots and Banjo, YHC’s uncle over in Raleigh, NC.  The Gloom was a bit steamy this morning.  There was some chatter about moving the workout earlier once the summer stickiness is upon us.  The PAX started …

3 is a Magic Number

3 committed men set out in the Metairie gloom for another #RockCity beatdown. The Thang Mosey to the end of the main field for our Warm-Up Warm-up COP: SSH IC x 30; Merkins IC x 15; Low Slow Squats IC x 15; Imperial Walkers IC  x 30; Good Mornings IC …

Merkins and such…

Pre-Thang:  Not so bad in the gloom today. 50ish degrees and breezy — probably one of the last days until November…  A good showing early, including a FNG courtesy of Splash; and Douille and Bagasse, two repeat customers brought by RY on Wednesday.  We hit the road with nine. The Thang:  …

Andouille and Bagasse

Pre-Thang:  Fun to see 2 FNGs chillin’ by the pull up bars as we pull up to the Birdcage.  Colonel also made a post-hibernation Kotter.    Welcome back to the Gloom!  And dayum – the gloom was really gloomy! I was sporting my brand new F3 long sleeve t-shirt.  A fresco …