Rock the 220
Yank sprinted to the Rock Pile to make it an even 6 for this #RockCity warm-up The Thang Mosey to the Rock Pile for the warm up COP: SSH IC x 30; IW IC x 30; Windmills IC x 15; Forward Arm Circles IC x 15; Backward Arm Circles IC …
Yank sprinted to the Rock Pile to make it an even 6 for this #RockCity warm-up The Thang Mosey to the Rock Pile for the warm up COP: SSH IC x 30; IW IC x 30; Windmills IC x 15; Forward Arm Circles IC x 15; Backward Arm Circles IC …
Interesting Q – lame back blast YHC collected some favorite exercises and ages from among the PAX and put together an interesting beatdown in the humidity. Complaining ensued. YHC was pleased. Mosey from Old Glory in the direction of Broadway, reconsider, head over the the front of Tulane for a …
My experiment with VQ schedules didn’t take. With Bubba – a no show – I had the full Q to myself. Lucky for me – I had a weinke in my back pocket. In Bubba’s defense I just put him on the group schedule instead of checking in with him …
I originally had Cavalier scheduled to Q but YHC didn’t do a good job confirming his role – so we will have to wait for the Cavalier VQ! YHC suspected that Cavalier may not have read the schedule – so I had 2 COPs in my back pocket. It was …
Pre Thang: Seven men met in the gloom and hit the ground running as the clock hit 05:30. The Thang: Mosey 1/4 mile out and over to Loyola Comm Complex Terrace for a warmup on the escalator. 5 Burpees a the bottom, 10 Squats at stop 2 and 15 LBC’s …
Pre-Thang The PAX rolled in disbelief that the morning felt like a November day, but it’s August. What’s happening here? YHC felt inspired that this would be a highly intense backblast with the PAX running through a cool breezy morning. Warm-Up Everyone grab some curb for some IC Toe Taps …
10 set off with Bluedog nowhere to be found The Thang: Long Mosey to Tulane Lawn Frankenstein Double knee ups Lunge lunge rotate Merkins x10 Squats x 20 Plank Jack x 15 Imperial Walker x 15 Mosey to Loyola Corner 4 sets 10 reps Station 1 Dive Bomber Merkins …
Pre-Thang This morning started off with what seemed to be a record-tying post of 15 men. When the long hand hit the 6, we….er they…embarked on a workout that pushed every man to at least one of their limits. The Thang Mosey to the first COP at the back corner …
Three Ruckers met in the Metairie gloom for the now traditional last Monday of the month Rucksack Workout at #RockCity. Jazzy’s Hello Kitty Ruck was in the possession of his daughter, so he modified with a rock sans ruck. The Thang Ruck to the rock pile for a Warm-up COP: …
Six PAX started off with false hopes of cloudy skies with one little piggy running wee-wee-wee to catch up! “Poisoned” Orleans Parish water complicated our attempts to avoid heat stroke. The Thang: Mosey to Great Lawn Side Straddle Hops x 25 Bird Dogs 15 sec each leg, rinse and repeat …