New Orleans
New Orleans

610 Stomp #16

As the QIC (Q In Charge), I selected the route for today’s stomp. Nine men, including one FNG, headed towards the bayou. We went a little further on this route this time. At Stomp #15 per my GPS watch, two blocks past Canal Street is 4.3 miles. We ran to …

Carrying your cross

“I believe God puts adversity in our lives not to hold us back, but to push us forward.  Adversity forces us out of our comfort zone to make us better and stronger.” – Dr. Gene Orlowsky. 8 men gathered for this downPAINment in the Gloom.  As the clock was approaching …

Museum tour

A mild morning: nice day for a museum tour for JV’s first Saturday Q. To the great lawn (to pick up stragglers) for a short warm-up: 30x IC SSH, 29x IC Hill Billies, 15+15x IC arm circles. I think there was something else, but I can’t remember what it was. …

Black Friday Beatdown

Five men gathered around the virtual shovel-flag, gave the Disclaimer and….one more joins us as we step off. Mosey straight to the Tulane sign for COP: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 each direction) -Peter Parkers x 20 IC Mosey to the …

The Skinny Arm post

OK- AO – The Birdcage/The Skinny #norocks Sure there were only 4 of us again!  But 4 dudes trying to get better.  It was by far the coldest morning of this fall.  I kept thinking that bagasse would show up with the flag – but he fartsacked on us! The …

Looking for Amnesty

8 Q-less PAX arrived at #RockCity in the frigid (relative term) gloom looking to lift something heavy.  I wonder if the temperature was any warmer down south where our skinny-armed brethren were congregating.  At 0530 YHC asked if anyone knew where the Q was to learn that he had decide to …

Goodyear and Good Cheer

  A faithful 11 showed up to enjoy a beatdown on a beautiful Saturday morning in New Orleans City Park.  Though we were left without a flag by the fartsacking little piggy, yet we pressed on relatively unphased.  Bueller joined the Circle of Pain shortly to make a dirty dozen. …