New Orleans
New Orleans

The Road to Omaha

14 pax showed up in the humid june gloom. Is that a record for this AO?? DISCLAIMER The PAX should have figured this one was coming…. slaughter starter! 10 Burpees OYO Mosey to rock pile COP #1 – WARM UP Hillbillies X 20 Peter Parkers X 20 Squats X 20 …

Around the Fly

Leading my VeryfirstQ enabled me to get out to Audubon earlier than ever before – approximately 05:20. My Weather Channel app indicates that the humidity was higher than the temperature – 87% vs. 81°, which is hard to believe, because it sure felt hot. We warmed up in place: 40 …


“You cannot build a great house on a weak foundation.” – Chinese proverb 11 battle-ready men gathered around the flag in the Okwata gloom.  Tclaps to Wanker (FNG) for posting, and Tclaps to Bubba & the F3 excuse page ( for the EH.  I decided to continue the theme that Tool/JV started …