New Orleans
New Orleans

Rock City Circuits

10 nola men eager to get their week started on a good note, gathered in the gloom of rock city. YHC got a call last night to cover Shortys Q because he had to go to work early or some other silly excuse. YHC obliged and immediately thought of a …

Location Roulette

Lagoon (warm-up):  SSH, Arm Rotation, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Pool Ups (Thanks Nip/Tuck) Octagon: (4) Groups of 2 (OYO): (10) Merkins lead, Squats, Inverted Merkins, Lung-in-Place Labyrinth: Russian Twist (yes living in the past), Planks (hand to elbows), The Real Freddie Mercury, Staggered Merkins, Hello Dolly Zoo: Dips, Decline Merkins, …

Return of the Deck

12 PAX posted on Saturday morning at the mothership for a classic f3 beatdown where the deck of death claimed its rightful place in f3 lore. Tclaps to Mav for leading 2 FNGs to the fold. Here’s… The Thang Pax moseyed to the neutral ground on the road in front …

Not Yoga

Seven F3 vets, hungry for a morning burn set out into the steamy gloom at 05:30 after a brief disclaimer. The Thang: Mosey to Touch Down Jesus for warm up. SSH and Hip Slappers x 25, Imp Walkers and Mtn Climbers x 30 all in cadence. Mosey to the LU …

Beachy Murph

Six F3 veterans surfaced for the 1st portion of an F3 2-a-day in City Park, a light showing but understandable considering the fierce competition expected this evening.  Thinking it was a little late to improve “The World’s” long distance running for the CSUP this evening, YHC set his eyes on …

610 Stomp #48

“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” – Chinese proverb 10 men gathered in the gloom this morning.  Great turnout! DISCLAIMER Tha Thang 6 minute run, 1 minute burpees/walk/recover/etc.  Our destination was the highest point in NOLA, which Tool is the only one who knows it by name… we will call …