New Orleans
New Orleans

Around the Fly

Leading my VeryfirstQ enabled me to get out to Audubon earlier than ever before – approximately 05:20. My Weather Channel app indicates that the humidity was higher than the temperature – 87% vs. 81°, which is hard to believe, because it sure felt hot. We warmed up in place: 40 …


“You cannot build a great house on a weak foundation.” – Chinese proverb 11 battle-ready men gathered around the flag in the Okwata gloom.  Tclaps to Wanker (FNG) for posting, and Tclaps to Bubba & the F3 excuse page ( for the EH.  I decided to continue the theme that Tool/JV started …

Planks & Moguls

Pre-Thang YHC had a late night at a soft opening of the Ponchatrain Hotel and didn’t get the BackBlast written until last minute.  That usually means burpees will be the beat down culprit.  So not a moment was spared after the disclaimer with a Slaughter Starter: start with 10, then …

Feel the Bern

8 men met in the Mid-City Gloom this morning.  Missing a few of the neighborhood regulars, but glad to see Shorty back from his Anniversary Vacation.  We can’t live everyday in paradise.  Growth happens in humidity and suck. The Thang Given the warm-ups Q’d by JV and Tool earlier in the week, …

Tuesday AM sweat-fest

Tuesday morning, time for the 610 Stomp.  A balmy 78 degrees with what must be nearly 100% humidity – a great day for a morning run.  After mulling it over for nearly 20 seconds, we decide we’ll do the 30 minute run and hit the track for some sprint work. …

Rock City Crater Fest

Six veteran F3 gurus posted this am and would later be joined by a seventh. The usual mumble chatter, then the disclaimer, and off in a mosey to the obligatory warm up area. YHC decided to deviate from the normal pre-thang exercises and throw in a few different things from …

Back to the Suck…

After the disclaimer we took off at 5:30 sharp into the thick, still gloom–13 strong. The Thang: Mosey over and around to front lawn of TU, where we picked up Revit for an even 14. We circled up for SSH x 50 IC, then we moseyed over to TD Jesus …