New Orleans
New Orleans

Life Lessons

“I asked Life, ‘Why are you so difficult?’  Life smiled and said, ‘You people never appreciate easy things.’ ”  – the Wise Man on top the Mountain 15 men overcame their first daily test this gloom (SFx’s Wisdom), and decided to get better today! Here is what we did, but first, …


After a friendly reminder from Mother Yankee, YHC showed up early this morning and even with a watch (tho per Roots it was four minutes slow). So after a lame disclaimer, a PAX of an even dozen began the THANG. Mosey to warm up. Good Mornings x15IC Imperial Walkers x30IC …

Psych on the Bridge

10 PAX posted initially on Saturday morning at the mothership with the replica Vietnam memorial right across the way in the great lawn. Great opportunity today to remember our fallen heroes. Tclaps to Amnesty and Heisenberg for bringing two FNGs to the fray. YHC welcomed all, gave his disclaimer, and …

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday Dear Rudy, Happy Birthday To Me 10 PAX appeared in the morning Okwata gloom, gathering around a real Shovel Flag (apparently JV has been stashing it in his trunk).  YHC’s phone read a sultry 82 degrees.  Perfect weather for a celebratory …

Jump Rope for Heart

Three PAX met in the gloom at TurboDog for YHC’s substitute Q’ as EiEi had to take off this AM for a meeting.  Nonetheless, YHC was determined to give a beatdown. Warm Up 1 big lap around the trailhead with short sessions of butt-kicks, karaoke, Frankenstein, quad stretchs. Circle up …

Foundry x 4 Rounds

I haven’t seen any S/F’s in a while. We need an inventory of who/where the S/F’s are? Sound Off! The Q, YHC, ran up to the Virtual S/F (VSF) just in time to make the DISCLAIMER and six of us stepped off. In the ball field, cuz of the cut …