New Orleans
New Orleans

A first at The Skinny

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” – Oscar Wilde YHC has never been to The Skinny, and I’ve always wondered how it was compared to Rock City….I mean, we throw rocks around!  The Skinny does hold its own, and glad to get my first …

Spartacus 2/3s

Seven men arrived at the Virtual Shovel-Flag (VSF) because of the seven SFs that exist in F3 Nola, they remain forgotten at home. Apparently everyone who Q’s needs to have their own SF and bring it with them……..WHERE ARE ALL THE SHOVEL-FLAGS????? DISCLAIMER…let’s mosey. Warm-up COP: SSH x 30 IC …

Bongo’ VQ. Good beat down. Bongo: Mosey to Green Lawn: 25 — SSH 20 — Peter Parkers 30 — Arm Circles 25 — Dying Cock roach Museam Pond 3 sets of 10 calf raises on brick ledges 3 sets of 10 squats?? Mosey to Practice Track 2 sets of 800M …

610 Stomp #55

Five F3ers for the 55th running of the 610 Stomp.  YHC gave the disclaimer and made an empty threat to anyone finishing early (Rudy & DQ [trying to help you out Dancing Queen, but I guess by mentioning your name here and saying that I am trying to help you …

40 is the new 20

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”  -George Burns Those were the first words of wisdom shared with the PAX this fine morning which happened to be YHC’s 40th Birthday.  Since all of the cool people have been signing up to Q on their birthdays, …

The Outsider from Lake Terrace

“There is strength in numbers.” – Swahili Proverb 16 men made up the Pax for today’s beatdown.  Although Uptown thinks there is no one/place else in the world, YHC was welcomed with open arms for a Q at the Birdcage (at least initially). Let’s get to it, but first…. DISCLAIMER Tha …

Bleacher Pressure Rd 2

As a inferior replacement for Amnesty, I stepped forward to Q on what must be known in F3 New Orleans as Fartsack Day. Only 2 PAX posted on a Labor Day gloomy morning at Rock City. YHC gave his disclaimer and we moseyed to the pile. The Thang Warm Up …


9 Okwata warriors gathered together on a blustery summer morning at the lakefront.  A kotter from Shorty and a second post from the now veteran Da Parish were welcome sights.  I was also glad to workout with Belloq for the first time, after reading that the Pax had named someone …