New Orleans
New Orleans

Other People’s Rocks

YHC awoke to another flat tire on my bike.  As I was walking to Pontiff, Marlin zipped by me on his way to meet up with Tool and Amnesty.  Not long after I arrived, JV came over the levee, guns blazing.  I gave the disclaimer and then it was off …

610 Stomp #58

In the increasingly gloomier, but not really cooler gloom approached our 4 member PAX for the 58th running of the 610 Stomp.  After the disclaimer we set off on the bayou path with the intention of running 6 minutes at a normal pace and a 1 minute pick-up pace without …

Form and Function

YHC waffled on scheduling the Bible Study this week and decided to cancel it late last night.  Unbeknownst to me, JV hasn’t seen his phone for the last 2 days and showed up at 0600 for thirty minutes of solitary meditation.  #Cobains.  YHC gave the disclaimer and we headed to …

Cheer Cheer for Old Notre Dame

Outlined against a blue-gray October sky, the Four Horsemen rode again Ok, it was only two horsemen.  But the sky was a perfect (very dark) blue gray gloom. Under the glowing dome, 2 pax representing Charlotte and New Orleans gathered for a football weekend beatdown. COP 1: on the south quad, …

“I Hate You”

5 PAX posted at the Uptowner, with a promise to go no further than the baseball field. Shorty made his arrive at the Uptowner for the first time. YHC gave his disclaimer and let the fun begin The Thang Warm Up COP IC SSH x 30 (HVAC joined mid-stream) Don …

We still honor winners

Seven vets sprung from the gloom in City Park for another epic Foundry Workout.  No fancy themes or exciting gimmicks just some special honor planned for the Foundry winners.  While the world honors participants, we reserve respect and honor for the winners, but YHC will get back to that. The …

Audubon AMRAP

10 men present for the beatdown Wednesday morning. Mosey over to the fairway of the 4th hole on Audubon Golf Course. COP#1 20x Seal Jacks 20x Peter Parkers 12x Alabama Ass Kicker (each leg) 15x Imperial Walker 20x Smurf Jacks Mosey to fairway of 7th hole.   12min AMRAP – 20sec …

Ups and Downs

“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” Leonardo da Vinci Five’s a great number because it’s more than four and less than six. We have five fingers on a hand, right. Five toes on a foot, right? Confucius …