New Orleans
New Orleans

The foursome fearsome

4 brave souls arose from the fartsack and came out in the 60 degree weather this morning. 3/4 of the pax were still grumbling about being sore in unexpected places following Turbo’s epic beat down on Saturday. The thang: Warm-up jog to weird bus station: SSH and IW x 20 …

DS Awareness Workout

Four (and a half) Rock City die-hards posted at Pontiff this am to better our bodies and minds.  Light showing….rumor had it some of the regulars opted for the pillow fight at the Skinny.  Rudy wanted to get some miles in for the Jazz half so he beat the PAX …


I’m glad I was Q today because I would have almost certainly fartsacked this morning and would have been none better for it.  In a age ignoring move I packed a parent’s group kickball tourney (lost in the finals) and a Jason Isbell concert all into my Sunday which had …

610 Stomp #61

Luckily YHC went out the plan for my Q on #groupme the night before.  Ruck if you are a rucker and run if not.  As I rolled in hot, the group was already headed out – 3 runners and 2 ruckers (plus me). The Thang Amnesty, Cowbell, and I got …

Ruckers and Rudy

Sorry for the late Backblast for all those involved.  4 men met in the 0530 gloom as Rudy, who had been there since 0500, literally ran circles around us. The Thang No time to warm-up.  The four of us headed out with three rucks to the south playground.  The workout …

Rockin Cardio

6 men gathered in the gloom (which was surprisingly pleasant) to get better.  Hawg had the flag and decided not to bring it out, so we had to settle for the virtual flag.  It draws a similar theme to Cowbell being awake today and decided not to post, so we had …

Ruck the Foundry

We stepped off with seven and finished with eight. Wait! Who is this we see but Out For Justice. After convincing us he knew it wasn’t Saturday, we stepped off. DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey. Pax with rucks head straight to Foundry, those without run to Carrolton and then the Lil …