New Orleans
New Orleans

Ups and Downs

“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” Leonardo da Vinci Five’s a great number because it’s more than four and less than six. We have five fingers on a hand, right. Five toes on a foot, right? Confucius …

North Audubon Mosey

Thankful for a break in the rain and wanting the PAX to remember my VQ I figured we would mix up the standard Wolfpack routine with some more time in the park.  What seemed like a great idea in the waning light the night before became a little dicey as …

Better Sore Than Sorry

“Sweat is just fat crying”  -DaParish Five brave souls converged on the northwest corner of Pontiff this am for another no-run workout with hopes of seeing plenty “tears of fat” aka sweat.  YHC’s mission today was to try a few new things while digging deep to push the PAX through …

11’s + Levee = :-(

YHC posted just in time on a dark Thursday morning at Okwata. A good group of 9 PAX posted including a blast from the past in Triple Shift. In true Triple Shift fashion, he didn’t just post for his first time in over a year. He also brought two FNGs …

The Prodigal Son

With the threat of an intense thunderstorm approaching, seven men gathered around an actual shovel-flag…thanks Bubba! DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey. In a field close to the Baby Foundry (aka: Refinery), circle up for the Warm-up COP: -SSH x 30 IC….Oh, looked who showed up…the Prodigal Son! Welcome Back Shorty! -IW x …

610 Stomp #56

Good turnout today at the 56th running of the 610 Stomp with 6 participants.  We went traditional today – Bayou route, 6 minutes on / 1 minute off with burpees during the “recovery.”  YHC gave the disclaimer, but didn’t take the time to explain where we were going to Da …

Full Court Press

5 pax met this morning for a pretty decent workout. Taking a short jaunt to Livingston Playground, approximately 1/4 mile from the AO. They arrived at a poorly lit basketball court to perform the following: Warm -up: SSH x 20 IC Half court sprints: down back down followed by: x …