New Orleans
New Orleans

King’s Day Tabata

Mother nature spared us what could have been a nasty morning.  YHC had been eyeing up the forecast for a few days and was planning for a cold and rainy workout, possibly solo.  Despite the testosterone themed F3 motto “rain or shine”, YHC planned to spend as little time in …

Uptowner returns Uptown

With all the hate, YHC decided we needed more love, love of DownPainMents.  So after a quick disclaimer, The Thang focused on several things apparently new to Uptowners.  Spread the love, and Pain. After a shortish (and unsuccessful) mosey to see if any tomatoes were setting out their yoga mats, COP1 at …

Deja Vu All Over Again

Didn’t we just do this yesterday?  Damp, muggy morning in City Park?  Rudy Q?  Yes, this all seemed remarkably familiar.  Headlights rolling out of the fog, lining up in front of the SF (yes a real one).  This time, Da Parish was here on time. Disclaimer, then off to the …

610 Stomp ‘n’ Sprint

A good sized crowd appeared in the damp and muggy gloom.  Cold front on the way, temps down in the upper 50s.  Nice morning for a run.  After the disclaimer, YHC describes the morning workout: 15 mins out, 15 mins back.  Meet at the track for sprints. And so the …

Prime Time

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” YHC likes the reflection this time of year brings, especially in the light of spending time with family and friends.  It’s a good opportunity to look back on …

So Long 20-16

YHC’s first Q since before the trampoline fiasco in August, thankfully I made it by 5:29. The gloom was gloomy. The PAX was small but ready. No need to mosey to start this one – first COP at the flag: 20 ssh in cadence 16 low slow squats, ic 20 …

Turning Pain Into Purpose-The Final Wrap on the First Annual Operation Sweet Tooth Toy Drive

When my wife and I had the idea to create Operation Sweet Tooth to honor our daughter’s memory, we had no idea of how our initiative would be welcomed.  We are just a simple, mourning family, wanting to honor our daughter’s memory and do some good for other children, and …

2016: Good Riddance

Weather: Light sprinkles greeted the PAX in the early City Park gloom; an omen of the storms awaiting us for the rest of the day, perhaps – but nothing that keeps the loyal PAX from their morning workout.  Cars rolling in hot turns a PAX of 5 at 5:27 to a PAX …